Parent Resources
SOCAL Player Transfer Policy
The SOCAL Player Transfer Policy goes into effect July 1 of the current year.
BEFORE July 1:
Any player that has signed, paid, practiced or played with a team CAN release and transfer to any other club/team without being in violation of the policy and without having to adhere to the requirements of the policy.
Example: Suzie's mom signs a Player Agreement with Real Madrid on February 20th and pays 1/2 of the club dues for the upcoming season. Suzie practices and plays a few tournaments with Real Madrid but decides that the team may not be a good fit for her. So on June 15th, Suzie joins Manchester United. Even though Real Madrid already registered Suzie in GotSport as a player in their club, the club must release the player so that she can join Manchester United because it's before July 1st. Real Madrid can not enforce the transfer policy or require payment in full as it is before the July 1st policy enforcement date. Either the Real Madrid Registrear or a SOCAL league official may release the player so that she can join Manchester United.
Same situation as above only Suzie decides to leave Real Madrid on July 15th to join Manchester United. Since it's after July 1st, Real Madrid MUST release Suzie because, per US Soccer Federation rules, a club must release a player that asks to release, HOWEVER, the Player Transfer Policy is now in effect so 1 of 2 things has to apply.
- Option 1. The player must be PAID IN FULL with the outgoing club OR
- Option 2. The outgoing DOC MUST approve the transfer.
To clarify - no club can refuse to release a player. Since we are after the July 1st date, either Option 1 or Option 2 are the ONLY 2 ways that a player can transfer to another SOCAL team prior to the end of competition for the team the player wishes to leave.
There is no Roster Freeze in the SOCAL league but the transfer policy prevents a player from leaving one SOCAL team to join another SOCAL team without meeting the criteria of either paying in full OR obtaining DOC permission from the outgoing club.
The incoming DOC MUST communicate directly with the outgoing club DOC. Approvals are not valid if obtained by coach, manager, Registrar, Club Admin. Approval can ONLY be granted by the Director of Coaching for the outgoing club.
NOTE: The SOCAL Player Transfer Policy can only be enforced with players moving between SOCAL teams. SOCAL has no jurisdiction over other leagues and their policies so a player leaving a GA team for a ECNL team is not covered by the SOCAL policy. However, a player leaving a SOCAL team for an another outside league IS bound by the Transfer Policy because it involves a player that was on a SOCAL team.
- Anything that happens prior to July 1 must be allowed and can not be contested.
- Anything that involves a player transfer from July 1st and beyond must follow the Transfer Policy.
- Any player requesting to be released MUST be released but the outgoing club controls the Option (1 or 2) by which the transfer is granted.
There is no grey area in this policy. All member clubs, by being members of SOCAL, agree to follow the policy and agree to respond to transfer requests within 48 hours.